Tere Badia - graduated in Art History at Barcelona University and gained her master’s degree in the Information and Knowledge Society at the IN3 (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute) of the UOC. Her work centres particularly in the field of theory and management of cultural policies, network theory, innovation and the arts. She is a freelance consultant to networks and groups of artists on organizational processes. She has carried out various analytical studies and produced collaboration manuals in the field of culture and R+D+i for the visual arts. She also spent five years working in the multimedia communication sector in Karlsruhe (Germany). She has curated exhibitions and projects about contemporary art and the new media. She is a lecturer in Communication Ethics at the IDEP university school in Barcelona. She was director of Hangar, a centre for the production of visual arts in Barcelona. Currently she is secretary general of Culture Action Europe. more |

Sabine Bartscherer - Master of science- (Solar Architecture), Academic expert on Solar Planning and Building. Born in 1966, architect, lecturer at the Academy of Arts / Vienna until 2013 and facilitator "Community Education by Scott Peck". 2004-10 housing project in Vienna, in 2010 co-founded community Castle Oberbrunn.
Training as a facilitator for "Community Building by Scott Peck": Annual / training group at Höper & Brase (D), Bertens & Kanters (NL) (certification, LEP) and at workshops of the FCE (USA). Experience: 120 workshops worldwide (in English / French: Bali, France, England, Czech Republic, Austria, Switzerland ...), 2009 + 2010 + 2015 Leader of a training group. |

Dr. Laura Benítez Valero - holds a Doctor of Philosophy from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB), specializing in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art as well as a Master in "Contemporary Philosophy" and a Master in "Aesthetics (UAB) and Theory of Contemporary Art" (UAB). Over the past four years she has worked as an assitant professor and researcher, being a member of various R & D projects. She has done several research residencies at Ars Electronica. She works as independent curator and is member of the collective Leland Palmer, with whom she has developed the following projects: ‘Primer Intento’ (Sala d’art Jove) ; Segundo Intento (MAKMA Editorial) ; ‘Lo tengo, no lo tengo’ (Espai Zero1); ‘Todo en parte’ de Maite Muñoz y Araceli Corbo (MUSAC), Milano Radicale de Aria Spinelli (Fundació Tàpies/Homesesion/ Sala d’Art Jove). more |

Dr. Jutta Franzen - Studies in sociology, 2006 PhD at Free University Berlin FU about »SCHNITT/STELLE - the Body in the age of its Manufacturability«. Jutta Franzen is a member of the academic staff at KMGNE in Germany, an interdisciplinary research and training institute for sustainable development, where she designs and is in charge of science communication, Transmedia Storytelling and social media education programes. She is editor and moderator in KMGNE’s virtual learning environment and teaches at DIPLOMA, University of Applied Sciences in Berlin. In her blog Alltagslabor she writes about issues related to culture, art and science. more |

Prof. Dr. Regine Hengge - Study of biology and doctorate at the University of Konstanz. Postdoctoral residency at Princeton University (NJ, USA). Research assistant, habilitation in Microbiology and Molecular Genetics, University Lecturer at the University of Konstanz. Since 1998 Professor of Microbiology at the Freie Universität Berlin. State Research Prize Baden-Württemberg (1996), Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz Prize (1998), ERC Advanced Grant (2009). Elected member of the National Academy of Sciences - Leopoldina, the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, the European Organization for Molecular Biology (EMBO) and the American Academy of Microbiology. More professorships: Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich (2002), Humboldt University, Berlin (2012). more |

Tanja Grosman - studied Fine Arts Education at the Faculty of Education of the University of Maribor (2010) and Textile and Fashion Design at the Textile Faculty of the University of Ljubljana (1985).
She worked as a theatre costume and set designer (1985-2001), teacher at primary and secondary schools (2002-2012), workshop coordinator at MMC KIBLA Maribor at »Soft Control« Kiblix 2012 and MURFU-Kiblix 2013 and curated the EU-PA conference »How to Transform Degraded Urban Space« (May 2013). |

Dr. Toma Grušovnik - is senior lecturer at the University of Primorska, and researcher in philosophy. He was a Fulbright visiting fellow in 2009, guest lecturer at the University of Oslo in 2011, and in 2012 he won a "Herald of Science Prize", awarded by the University of Primorska. His artistic career developed from drawings to collages and now settled in what
the author, playing with QR codes, and now with electronic circuits, calls "Technological Expressionism". |

Dino Karabeg - started as a researcher in environmental systems modeling at the Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb. Following a doctorate in algorithm theory at the University of California at San Diego, and several university appointments in USA and France, in 1992 Karabeg accepted an Associate Professor position at the University of Oslo Informatics Department and moved to Norway. Soon after that his interest changed to systemic innovation in knowledge work, as he grew convinced that knowledge work can and needs to be developed on different premises, not as an attempt to objectively depict reality, but as it might help people and society orient themselves in a complex reality. From that point on Karabeg devoted his career to developing various building blocks and contours of a new—self-aware, and self-organizing—approach to knowledge. more |

Ralf Hilgers - Law degree at the University of Konstanz. Worked more than 30 years as a lawyer focusing on labor, social and family law. Lives and works in Sieben Linden ecovillage. Since 2008 regular participation in community building processes and years groups by Scott Peck. Since 2015 facilitator in Community Building. |

Annika Hintz - born in 1991 on the outskirts of Hamburg, lives meanwhile in St. Pauli and studies since 2011 Cultural Studies with a focus on art and visual culture, as well as space sciences at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. In addition to this mostly theoretical work on art and space, she has been dedicated since 2008 to practice within the "head and stones cosmos" around Dockville Festival, as well as their numerous sub-formats (spectrum Artville - formerly "art camp", Symfotronik, butter country, etc.). She can combine her interests in music, art and space thus with making stimulating contacts and broadening knowledge constantly. Photo: Conrad Hiibbe. |

Sophie-Isabell Idel - Student at the Leuphana University Lüneburg with Major Law (Corporate and Business Law) and Minor Economic Psychology. In addition to studying Idel worked as an intern in various companies in the area of ??personnel. Following her undergraduate studies, she seeks a master's program. Idel did voluntary work at the Board of Marketing in the law students' association Elsa.

Katharina Karrenberg - Visual artist - works on structures of visual perception in wandering fields of vision. She is specifically interested turning visibility into invisibility (and vice versa) and in the part of technological and manual setting that allows such handling processes. Reflectography is based on corresponding scenarios. Karrenberg studied visual communication at the Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, and sociology / psychology at the Freien Universität Berlin. She held several visiting professorships (UdK Berlin, Muthesius Hochschule Kiel, HFBK Nürnberg), grants and awards and has participated in exhibitions nationally and abroad. more |

Dr. Claudia Neubauer - holds a PhD in Human Genetics and has a Masters in Science journalism. She co-founded and was many years director of the Fondation Sciences Citoyennes (Foundation Citizens Sciences), a French non-profit organization dedicated to the democratization of science and technology. Since 2014 Claudia Neubauer works as a program manager in the Swiss Foundation Charles Léopold Mayer Fondation pour le de l'homme progrès. more |
Prof. Christin Lahr - Lives and works as an artist, curator and professor of Media Art in Berlin and Leipzig. Since graduating from the University of Arts Berlin, many grants, awards and exhibitions at home and abroad, art-in-architecture competitions and curatorial activities, mainly in the context of RealismusStudio, Neue Gesellschaft für Bildenden Kunst in Berlin. Since 1994 lectures and teachings at various universities, including as artistic associate at the Academy of Media Arts Köln (multimedia / performance). Since 2001 Professor of Media Arts at the Department of Media Arts, Head of AV-Labors at the Hochschule für Grafik und Buchkunst HGB, Leipzig. Since 2006 Head of the study program Media Arts and Vice Dean. Since 2010, Executive Professor at the HGB and director of the Media Arts degree program. more |

Pia Lanzinger - Studies in Communication Sciences, American cultural history and art history at the Ludwig-Maximilian-University, Munich and Photography at the Bavarian State School, Munich. Her artistic career includes international exhibitions, working and project grants as well as residencies in South Korea, Worpswede, Paris and Edinburgh. She worked as lecturer at colleges and universities, as jury member and as a curator of exhibitions in art institutions and public spaces. Pia Lanzinger works as an artist in Berlin. more |

Dr. Dan Norton - Studied Fine Art at the Glasgow School of Art, and Electronic Imaging at the University of Dundee. In 2009 he co-founded WAKA Espai d'Art, an independent artist-led gallery in Palma Spain. PhD thesis entitled “Mixing the Library: Information Interaction and the DJ.” Previously Associate Lecturer at University of Dundee, College of Art and Engineering, Scotland. more |

Leonidas Martin - Professor of audiovisuals, new technologies and political art at the University of Barcelona (UB), and the School of Design (ESDI). All projects and movements I have been involved stand out as being known in the international art circuit, and in social networks of activist (Agencies, Yomango, Pret a Revolter, New Kids on the Black Block, V Housing, etc.). Usually I write about art and cultural policy in several blogs, magazines and newspapers. As audiovisual producer I created documentary films for different TV channels. I am a member of the group of cultural agitation Enmedio (www.enmedio.info). more |

Dirk Marx - born 1969 in Ratzeburg, Schleswig Holstein. Studied economic and social sciences at the Cottbus-Senftenberg University, Faculty of Environmental Sciences 4, with Prof. Dr. Eike Albrecht. Cultural manager, Transformation scientist and citizen activist. Researcher in TRANSLAB Hochschule Bochum, with Prof. Dr. Petra Schweizer-Ries. Father of three daughters and married, lives on an eco farm in the Lausitz right on the edge of the coal excavators. He wants to improve the world. more |

Dr. Steffi Ober - Studied veterinary medicine in Berlin and Giessen. She received her PhD at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg about the topic of liver carcinogenesis by radioactive radiation. Steffi designed the project "Forschungswende für mehr Partizipation und Transparenz in Forschung und Wissenschaft" (Research turn for more participation and transparency in science). Between 2004 and 2012 she worked as agricultural biotechnology and biodiversity expert at NABU, where she is responsible for the internal communication and public relations. Previously, she was president of the Federal Association of gene and reproductive technology B90/Die Grünen. As chair of the Rhine-Westphalia Executive Committee of B90/Die Grünen Rheinland-Pfalz she was responsible for the organization and representation of the party, and for planning, coordinating and implementing the national and federal election campaign between 1998 to 2002. more |

Prof. Roc Parés - is an artist and researcher in interactive communication. Currently Professor (since 1995) at Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), Barcelona and codirector of the University Master in Digital Arts. Researcher in interactive communication of the DigiDoc Group at UPF. His artistic works have been presented at the Fundació Joan Miró, Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB), the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofa (MNCARS), the Centro Cultural de Belém, the Tate Gallery, the Art Gallery of Ontario (AGO), National Museum of Photography, Film and Television (NMPFT), Centro Cultural de España en México, Brandts Danmark and Ex Teresa Arte Actual, among others. His research articles have been published by the British Computer Society, Academic Press and MIT Press, among others. more |

Dejan Pestotnik - Multimedia producer, Vice president of Multimedia Center KIBLA (Maribor, Slovenia). As a manager he worked on EU projects (IST, FP6, FP7, EU Culture, EU Structural Founds,…). With his work, he managed the promotion of contemporary art production, focused on multimedia and intermedia art on international level (contemporary art exhibitions, presentations, strategic communications, fundraising, sponsorships) and connected culture with business sector. Author of Marketing, strategic communication and promotion document for Maribor candidacy for European Capital of Culture 2012 under KIBLA production. Maribor was selected for this title in a competition of four Slovenian cities. Also author of several articles about cultural management and new media art production in national and international media. He died on 4.11.2021. more |

Prof. Simon Penny - Over 25 years, Simon Penny has worked as an artist, theorist, teacher and organiser in Digital Cultural Practices, Embodied Interaction, Interactive, Robotic and Artificial Life Art. His widely exhibited works involve custom robotic and sensor systems including novel machine vision systems. His art and writing address critical issues arising around media art, AI and Artificial Life and enactive and embodied interaction. He curated Machine Culture, an international survey of interactive and immersive art (1993), edited Critical Issues in Electronic Media (SUNY press 1995) and was director of Digital Art and Culture conference 2009 (DAC09). He was previously Professor of Art and Robotics at Carnegie Mellon University. He is a professor at University of California, Irvine, where he founded the Arts Computation Engineering interdisciplinary graduate program (ACE) (2003). He also teaches in the Cognitive Science and Interactive Media masters at University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona, Spain. more |

Maria ptqk - Curator, critic and cultural researcher. Law degree, specializing in economics. She graduated in Advanced Studies in Cultural Law. She holds a doctorate in Artistic Research and an Extraordinary Doctorate Award (UPV-EHU). She has been working in the culture sector since 2000, at the intersections between art, technoscience and feminism. She develops tasks of curatorship, project coordination and advice. She has worked, among others, with Medialab Prado (Madrid), Azkuna Zentroa – Alhóndiga Bilbao, Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation, CCCB – Barcelona Center for Contemporary Culture, Jeu de Paume Visual Arts Center (Paris), La Gaité Lyrique (Paris ), GenderArtNet (European Cultural Foundation), and Donostia-San Sebastián 2016 - European Capital of Culture. more |

Sasha Rudan - is a PhD student at the University of Oslo, multimedia artist and researcher in the fusion of Art, Science and Humanities. His main research addresses collaborative socio-technical systems and implementation and optimization of collective knowledge, intelligence, creativity and scientific dialogue in the context of socio-technical systems. In the parallel, he is interested in social patterns, knowledge management and collective intelligence. Sasha is involved in collaborative socio-technical systems (in business, art, and academia), either architecting them, leading creative transdisciplinary teams or taking entrepre-neur role. more |

Sinisa Rudan - studied Computer Sciences and Engineering at the Electrotechnical faculty in Belgrade. He worked as IT Architect & project manager at Faculty of Mechanical engineering, Belgrade and teached as a guest lecturer at The Faculty of Applied Arts, Belgrade. Currently he is CEO at the Magic Wand Solutions Studio, InfoM - Scientific journal of Information technology and multimedia systems. more |

Marina Sahnwaldt - studies since 2011 Cultural Studies and Political Science at the Leuphana University in Lüneburg. In 2005 she founded her own theater label after she assisted various directors, composers and choreographers such as Daniel Ott, Karoline Gruber and Daniel Goldin. She previously worked as a nurse. In this profession, she accompanied the dying and their families and got sensitized to people of every kind. As a director and producer, she initiated transdisciplinary projects ("The first step - young people between school and work" NRW , NRW SOUND SPORT). She creates collaborations that produce a field of tension, opening space for new perspectives and artistic exploration. Currently she works as assistant to the intendant of the Altonar Theater & Hamburger Kammerspiele. Foto: Astrid Lennartz. more |

Prof. Dr. Ramon Sangüesa - holds a PhD in Artificial Intelligence from the Technical University of Catalonia (1997) and a postgraduate degree in Science Communication (Universitat Pompeu Fabra. Also in 1997). He is Professor (currently on professional leave) at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC, Computer Science Department), where he acted as Associate Dean for Innovation in its School of Informatics. Sangüesa is Senior Fellow of the Slab, Strategic Innovation Lab, the Ontario College of Art and Design (Toronto, Canada) and Affiliate Researcher at the Center for Organizational Innovation, Department of Sociology, University of Columbia, New York. Furthermore, he founded Citlab, a civic innovation center, in 2007 where he developed urban innovation projects (UrbanLabs 2008 and 2009) and organizational innovation projects such as Breakout in collaboration with the Institute for the Future. Currently he is coordinating the Data Transparency Lab (http://datatransparencylab.org) a non-profit research organization that explores the intersection between technology and society in the era of Big Data. He is specially interested in aspects of the Technoself, identity, and new controversies of the digital society. more |

Christoph Strünke - studied at the University of Lüneburg "Applied Cultural Studies". Since 2002 he lives in Sieben Linden ecovillage and is involved in the village development in various areas. In the period from 2004 to 2014 he was CEO of the Sieben Linden Settlement Cooperative (Siedlungs-genossenschaft), the central village organization. In this context, he helped to develop co-operative ecological businesses (forestry and horticulture). For over 10 years he is the contact person for research requests to the ecovillage. Since 2008 Strünke teaches environmental subjects i.a. at the Alfred Toepfer Academy for Nature Conservation (i.a. energy, climate change, agriculture, food, consumption, sustainable ways of life) for youth workers of the Ecological Voluntary Service (Ökologischer Freiwilligendienst FöJ) and for becoming educators. |

Axel Schmidt - Studies in German philology / philosophy (PhD Tropen der Kunst, 1991) and art (film and cooking as an as an artistic genre with Prof. Peter Kubelka, Städelschule, University of Fine Arts, 1985-1991) in Frankfurt am Main. Participation in various film programs, i.a. in Frankfurt, Berlin, Chicago and Tokyo, as well as author and editor of several volumes of photo volumes of Paul Almasy and Daniel Frasnay. more |
Richard Schütz - After his training as a zoological taxidermist Schütz studied fine art at Kunsthochschule Kassel, the Royal College of Art in London and at the Universität der Künste in Berlin, where he graduated in 1993 with Prof. Rebecca Horn completing with distinction. His artistic activity includes sculpture and installation, exerimental film and media arts. Since 2000 photography is the focus of his work. He has been awarded with several scholarships, especially by the Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture, Berlin. He shows his work internationally in solo and group exhibitions. Schütz also curates exhibition projects. He was co-manager of the Berlin project space montanaberlin and has taught at the Academy of collections and museums in Berlin (SMB). more |

Swen Seebach - Studies of Political Science at the University of Leipzig, Philosophy and Feminism at the University of Sussex. Specialisation in the research of emotions and their importance for weaving social bonds. Currently - work on emotions in practices of consumption in the triangle of media studies, anthropology and sociology, and on conceptualising best practice interdisciplinary work. Researcher at the IN3 (Internet Interdisciplinary Institute) and in the governmentally funded project Forms of Commitment in Love Relationships and the Expression(s) of Emotions in Times of Electronic Communication at the Open University of Catalonia (UOC). Collaborator with HANGAR (Barcelona). more |

Dr. Paz Tornero - has a PhD from the Complutense University of Madrid investigating the fields of art, technology and science. In her research she analyzes the new art forms that incorporate technological and scientific aspects, for example, those artists who work or study in biology and robotics virtual environments for innovation and creativity. She focuses on how certain artists develop their practice by targeting on social issues in that way helping establish new lines of research and more creative communities. She has been a visiting researcher at Harvard University in the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences and at MIT Media Lab. Lecturer and researcher at COCOA Colegio de Comunicación y Artes Contemporáneas USFQ, Ecuador and University of Granada. more |

Dr. Stella Veciana - Studies in experimental arts (Universität der Künste, Berlin) and computer arts (School of Visual Arts, New York). Doctorate on the intersection of art, science, technology and society (Faculty of Fine Arts, UB). She is the founder of the Research Arts platform dedicated to transdisciplinary and participatory artistic research for sustainability. Her artistic work has been exhibited internationally in museums, galleries, art centers and festivals as well as in foundations, NGOs, universities, research centers and congresses (Akademie der Künste Berlin, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Hangar Barcelona, UNESCO, Heinrich-Böll Foundation, Bread for the world, ZEF Development Research Center, Degrowth Conference, KIBLIX Festival, etc.). She has extensive university teaching experience (Faculty of Fine Arts Barcelona, Leuphana Universität Lüneburg, Technische Universität Berlin, Universidad Politécnica Valencia, University of Saskatchewan Canada, etc.). Collaborator and researcher in inter/national projects (Forschungswende, Soft Control, PIPES, Living in sustainable villages, etc.). Manager of national and European projects (ICN). Development of higher education learning processes in "real world laboratories" for sustainability (between ecovillages and Leuphana Universität). Member of the Federation of German Scientists VDW. more |

Christiane ten Hoevel - Studies in Fine Arts at the UdK Berlin, with additional training as a screen designer. Since 1992, international exhibitions, various scholarships nationally and abroad, since 2002 working as a lecturer and professor at colleges and universities. 2013 she founded with Prof. Andreas Mayer-Brennenstuhl the continuing education institute nn-institut. Christiane ten Hoevel lives and works in Berlin. more |

Miriam Wiesel - Studies in art history in Frankfurt am Main, working in Berlin since 1991 as an editor and lecturer (eg Scalo Publishers). Collaboration with various art and cultural magazines (Wolkenkratzer Art Journal, Der Alltag, Parkett), as in the Schrumpfende Städte project (2003-2005), Berlin Biennale 1 (1998) and Berlin Biennale 7 (2012). Editor of the catalog Berlin/Berlin (1998) of the 1. Berlin Biennale (with Klaus Biesenbach, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Nancy Spector) and Children of Berlin, PS 1 (1999). more |