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stella veciana


is designed to provide the research community with an interface where art, science, technology and society can meet. In order to fulfill the communication needs and provide networking for the community, the RESEARCH ARTS platform provides a meeting point for exchanging research, “best practices”, details of resources, and news about related events. The platform focuses in particular on "adding a voice" to science and science policy making with regards to the environment and the general public.

The platform is online since 2012. Each and everyone who is interested is welcome to participate.


Every day I heard and saw them increasing: the signs of climate change. On the news I heard of the tragic consequences: "the North Pole is melting, deserts are expanding, hurricanes are multiplying". In the news titles, I read about tragic predictions: "Deadly heat waves, sinking coastal cities, droughts, famines". Despite all these apparently imminent but abstract dangers, I tried to "just get on with it".

Eventually, I did not want to "just get on with it " as usual. Find out more about the three experiences that transformed my attitude from that of a passive news consumer to an engaged citizen scientist. more


If we want to be participants in forming a more sustainable and equitable society, we need a scientific culture that combines knowledge from different areas of research with everyday life. The scope of scientific thought needs to be re-evaluated within a framework of democracy.
We need to question and expand our ideas of representative and direct democracy to include the responsibility for future generations. We wish to commit ourselves to an approach based on research, which takes responsibility for the resulting outcomes.
Major challenges like climate change and resource scarcity require integrative and participative research practices, allowing common armchair experts to meet on equal terms with academically trained experts where the paths of art, science, technology and society cross.

Who founded the platform RESEARCH ARTS?

stella veciana
Dr. Stella Veciana created the RESEARCH ARTSplatform in 2012. (© Michael Miethe)

stella veciana
Moderation at the 2. Forschungswende Workshop, 30.102012. (© Hannes Bever).

KIBLIX Art Science Technology Festival 2013
KIBLIX Art Science Technology Festival 2013

Transdisziplinaeres Projekt, Leupahana UniversitaetRealworld Laboratory. Transdisciplinary project, cooperation of Leuphana Universität with Ökodorf Sieben Linden, 2017.

My name is Stella Veciana and in 2012 I founded the RESEARCH ARTS platform.

After my studies of experimental art at the University of the Arts Berlin at Rebecca Horns’ class, I received a DAAD scholarship for Computer Arts at the School of Visual Arts in New York. Afterwards, I completed my PhD on "Research Arts: the Interface of Art, Science and Technology as a Field of Knowledge and Action" at the Faculty of Fine Arts, Barcelona. I developed the idea of creating a platform for Research Arts while writing my thesis. At the Faculty of Fine Arts in Barcelona I worked as a visiting professor, juror on a selection comittee, and initiator of the annual degree shows.

My art-instalations, Films, Sculptures and paintings have been shown internationally in museums, galleries and art festivals in Germany, Spain, Greece, Poland, Slovenia, USA, Canada, among others at the Academy of Arts Berlin, Kunsthalle Nürnberg, Deutsche Bank Madrid, European Capital Thessaloniki, KIBLIX Art Science Technology Festival.

My research fields are focused on the exploration and development of artistic cooperative practices and participatory scientific approaches that may contribute towards a transformation to a globally sustainable society. More specifically the research fields I am mainly interested in are education for sustainable development, community-based research, participatory governance, artistic research and open science. I have developed transdisciploinary art projects in cooperation with a.o. Bread for the World, the German Commission for UNESCO and Heinrich-Böll-Foundation. I also collaborated with the German public participation platform “Forschungswende”, which advocates civilian involvement in science, and is supported by the Federation of German Scientists.

After my MBA, i gained my experience in national and European research and technology transfer projects working as seniour project manager at the Catalan Institute of Nanotechnology ICN. Within the frame of the European project Soft Control linked to Hangar and Grid Spinoza I co-developed a trans-disciplinary practice and theory. Moreover I developed a research programm and wrote a Manual for Transdisciplinary Projects in Latin America for the GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation), the UII (Universidad Indígena Inter-cultural) and Fondo Indígena. Furthermore, I co-leaded the project "Living in sustainable villages" financed by the German Environmental Ministry.

Since 2013 I have been teaching a.o. at the Leuphana University at the Institute for Ethics and Transdisciplinary Sustainability Research (IETSR). In transdisciplinary Reallabs I developed research-community partnerships particularly with ecovillges, and methods to support the enhancement of student’s competences in participative and sustainability oriented research. In my adult education seminars i apply diverse communication methods, based on my trainings in a.o. Community Building (Scott Peck), Forum (ZEGG) and Dialogue (David Bohm).

We cooperate with the following participative online and offline platforms. >>


Asociación Nacional de Investigadores en Arte (ANIAV): The fundamental objective of ANIAV is the promotion, development and dissemination of research in the field of fine arts, plastic arts or visual arts. The association is active in three areas: the first and fundamental one is bringing together and the networking of people and institutions active in the field of artistic research; secondly, to connect art researchers with other fields of research and thirdly, to promote and value the transfer of artistic research in 21st century society.


ADEMA Escola Universitaria (ADEMA): The ADEMA University School in Palma de Mallorca is a center affiliated to the UIB (Universitat de les Illes Balears) that since 2022 offers a degree in Fine Arts with a focus on contemporary art, promoting new talent and opening a window to the internationalization of art in the island.

Brot für die Welt

Bread for the WorldProtestant Development Service is the globally active development and relief agency of the Protestant Churches in Germany. In more than 90 countries all across the globe we empower the poor and marginalised to improve their living conditions. Key issues of our work are food security, the promotion of health and education, the access to water, the strengthening of democracy, respecting human rights, keeping peace and the integrity of creation.

DUK Deutsche Unesco Kommision

The German Commission for UNESCO is the United Nations agency with the broadest mandate. It is made unique by the links with civil society it has forged through its 197 National Commissions around the world. The function of this network is to support governments in their work within UNESCO, and to further the aims of UNESCO in the Member States. Long before the Federal Republic of Germany was admitted as a member of the United Nations in 1973, UNESCO opened the door to Germany’s return to international politics at the multilateral level.


The civil society platform Forschungswende demands and promotes transparency and participation within science and science policy. Civil organizations (as DNR, BUND, NABU, Greenpeace, Germanwatch, Netzwerk Wachstumswende, Slowfood Germany) have joined the platform to take a critical look at the current direction of research funding and to formulate possible alternatives. The focus is on developing further a transdisciplinary sustainability research and an solution oriented approach involving all stakeholders to overcome the "Grand Challenges" as climate change or resource scarcity.

Eine Welt

Eine-Welt-Landesnetzwerk organizes with more than 30 co-organizers and partners, a series of events taking place during the Development Policy Days, which will take place from October, 27th to November 22nd, 2014 offering lectures, films, events, exhibitions, workshops and project days.


Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) is a development cooperation organization that works internationally on behalf of various ministries for the Federal Republic of Germany. The technical cooperation mainly consists of advice, financial contributions, development services, establishment and promotion of project sponsors, provision of equipment and material and the preparation of studies and reports. GIZ is also active in international educational work. GIZ has 90 locations worldwide.


Global Ecovillage Network (GEN) is a network of approximately 10,000 ecovillages and intentional communities founded in 1995. It's goal is to achieve long-term sustainability and a holistic life plan on various dimensions of sustainability - economy, ecology, social, culture. GEN builds bridges between policymakers, governments, NGOs, academics, entrepreneurs, activists, community networks and environmentally conscious individuals around the world to develop strategies for a global transition towards resilient communities and cultures.

Grid Spinoza is a project that explores the artistic and scientific research processes, methodologies and dynamics. The project is built around an online platform that contains an open archive of articles and audiovisual interviews with artists and scientists while it develops a programme of experiments, residencies and workshops related to different national and international networks.

Hangar is a centre for art research and production, offering support to artists.
Hangar’s mission is to support the visual artists and creators during the different phases of their art production processes as well as to contribute to the best development of their projects. For doing so, Hangar facilitates them equipments, facilities, production assistance and a suitable context for experimentation and free knowledge transfer.

HKW Berlin

Haus der Kulturen der Welt (HKW) provides a forum for the contemporary arts and critical debates. In the midst of profound global and planetary transformation processes, the HKW re-explores artistic positions, scientific concepts and political fields of action. The HKW develops and stages a program that is unique in Europe combining discourse, exhibitions, concerts and performance, research, educational offers and publications. It's projects initiate new thought processes and designs new reference systems. The HKW understands history as a resource for alternative narratives.


The Heinrich-Böll Foundation. Fostering democracy and upholding human rights, taking action to prevent the destruction of the global ecosystem, advancing equality between women and men, securing peace through conflict prevention in crisis zones, and defending the freedom of individuals against excessive state and economic power – these are the objectives that drive the ideas and actions of the Heinrich Böll Foundation. The foundation maintains close ties to the German Green Party (Alliance 90/The Greens) and as a think tank for green visions and projects, we are part of an international net­work encompassing well over 100 partner projects in approxi­mately 60 countries.

Leuphana Universitaet

LEUPHANA Universität (LU). Education, culture, sustainability as well as management and entrepreneurship - are the four main areas, by which the Leuphana University of Lüneburg addresses the future of civil society commitment for society in the 21st century throgh education and research. Studying at Leuphana follows a study model that is unique in Germany and has received multiple awards. Leuphana's basic research approach aims at the cooperation of different disciplines within the framework of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary research projects.

Soft Control (SC) is a multi-annual cultural project aimed at actualising culture phenomena which are emergent when art, science and public awareness are interconnected. SC opens scientific labs and theory to artists and different educational entities to a wider audience. SC is a multi-annual cultural performance, an European showcase where artists/cultural workers/others willing to learn what researchers are doing and thinking, and researchers, willing to share and experience creative forms of artistic experimentation and construction, come together in European locations to explore, work, discuss, listen and share ideas and findings.


The YASunidos Alliance is a coalition of many small ziviligesellschaftlichen groups and NGOs advocating for Ecuador's largest crude oil reserves in Yasuni National Park to remain in the soil.
The Yasuní-German alliance is an ad hoc coalition of environmental and human rights NGOs for the preservation of the Yasuní-ITT Initiative.

Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung

The Center for Development Research (ZEF) is an institute of the University of Bonn, Germany. It started its research activities in 1997. ZEF's researchers aim to find science-based solutions to development-related issues. ZEF’s research departments on Economic and Technological Change, Political and Cultural Change, and Ecology and Natural Resources Management conduct inter and transdisciplinary research in, for and with emerging economies and on global issues with its collaborating research partners around the world. ZEF educates doctoral students from all over the world in its Doctoral Studies Program.).

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